This is a picture from Vogue. I must say that she made it. She succeed… Read the postMia Khalifa 2023.
I miss my pig-cat Cicko very much. As I watched this video: I was fascinated… Read the postI love cats
Sometimes a real, cold and uncut truth comes to a person’s mind. Such truth must… Read the postThe truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth
Фонт је бесплатан и дозвољена је употреба за све намене. Постоји проблем са дефиницијом подржаних… Read the postСрбија Санс Фонт
This is the previous version of current Nextool Flagship Pro. As much as I am… Read the postNexTool Flagship
I had to repair a crack in Karcher vacuum cleaner body. It is very rigid… Read the postPlastic crack repair
This type of blade is most important for my everyday work, so I even bought… Read the postGut-hook tool
I wanted this knife for 2 years but I had an “issue” with 200$ price… Read the postSOG Kiku XR – Chinese knockoff
то јест како сам заволео ћирилицу Осамдесетих (хтео сам да напишем 80-их или 80их, али… Read the postЋирилица – од гађења до љубави
Youtube has a “nice” habit of deleting or making private videos in your playlists hence… Read the postYoutube Playlists Backup
Ја сам ретард који са 50 година и даље има дилему око писаних слова Ћ… Read the postАкцентовање – говнарење